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Spasimo umjetničko nasljeđe velike kiparice Vere Dajht Kralj

AUTOR: Cyrille Cartier / 16.08.2018.

vera-dajht-kraljPrva javna kampanja: Umjetničko nasljeđe Vera Dajht Kralj Dragi članovi, prijatelji i vi koji ćete to tek postati, Naša INDIEGOGO kampanja je lansirana.

Ovo je u isto vrijeme NAJAVA, kao i POZIV ZA PODRŠKU.

Po prvi puta u tri godine postojanja Živog Ateljea DK, te napornog i dobrovoljnog rada, entuzijazma i strasti ponajviše radnih članova, a onda i svih ostalih članova, pozivamo vas  da nam se pridružite u ovoj masovnoj akciji zaštite i promocije zaštićenog kulturnog nasljeđa Republike Hrvatske, vrijedne zbirke kiparice Vere Dajht Kralj, o kojoj brinemo.

Promocija prve monografije, ujedno i prva izložba iz fundusa zbirke, o Verinim javnim skulpturama i spomenicima, otvara se 3. listopada 2018. u Hrvatskom Muzeju Arhitekture – HAZU. Utoliko, ovo je NAJAVA.

Kako bi kvalitetno ostvarili ovo prvo veliko postignuće, potrebna nam je vaša pomoć. Istovremeno, ovo je i POZIV ZA PODRŠKU – trebamo vaše sudjelovanje u inicijativi da skupimo dovoljno sredstava putem platforme za javno financiranje INDIEGOGO.

Po prvi puta u tri godine postojanja Živog Ateljea DK, te napornog i dobrovoljnog rada, entuzijazma i strasti ponajviše radnih članova, a onda i svih ostalih članova, pozivamo vas  da nam se pridružite u ovoj masovnoj akciji zaštite i promocije zaštićenog kulturnog nasljeđa Republike Hrvatske, vrijedne zbirke kiparice Vere Dajht Kralj, o kojoj brinemo

Kako bi izvršili sve s kvalitetom koju projekt zaslužuje, potrebno nam je više sredstava nego nam je odobreno od institucija grada i ministarstva.

Među nagradama za podršku nalaze se jedinstvene prilike. Na primjer, 21. Kolovoza u Zagrebu, jedinstveni koncert naših počasnih članova i muzičara svjetskog glasa Miroslava Tadića i Yvette Holzwarth.

Ako niste u Zagrebu, možete nekog obradovati i pokloniti kartu dragoj osobi, prijatelju. Za detalje pogledajte naš FB event.

Za posebne ljubitelje umjetnosti i kolekcionare, nudimo mogućnost sponzoriranja odljeva skulpture kojoj prijeti propadanje i na taj način za vlastitu zbirku osigurati brončani original iz zaštićene zbirke.

Za izbor skulpture i dogovor o detaljima kontatkirajte nas direktno na [email protected]

U duhu onoga što mi predstavljamo i o čemu govorimo, novac nije jedini niti najvažniji način vašeg sudjelovanja i podrške. Najvažnije nam je da se uključite i postanete dio ove važne inicijative.

Proširite internetske poveznice i glas o našoj inicijativi i potrebama u krugu vaših poznanika, prijatelja, kolegica i kolega, poslovnih partnera i suradnika.

Ako posjedujete stručno znanje u restauraciji umjetničkih djela ili njihovoj pripremi za izložbe, ako ste vješti u bilo kojem aspektu kulturnog menadžmenta ili prikupljanja sredstava, javite nam se na bilo koji način.

U duhu onoga što mi predstavljamo i o čemu govorimo, novac nije jedini niti najvažniji način vašeg sudjelovanja i podrške. Najvažnije nam je da se uključite i postanete dio ove važne inicijative

Najbolje je, ako ste u Zagrebu, da navratite u Atelje, u Ilicu 110, na čaj ili rakijicu, udijelite nam savjet te se i na taj način uključite. Svaka podrška nam je neprocjenjiva.

Mi, radni članovi Živog Ateljea DK, ponosni smo na ono što smo već ostvarili – digitalizirali smo preko 2,000 kataloških jedinica Verine zbirke, stvorili smo javni repozitorij, pokrenuli smo niz inicijativa i projekata koje možete vidjeti na našim Facebook i web stranicama.

Nestrpljivi smo da nam se javite i unaprijed zahvalni na vašoj podršci, u bilo kojem obliku 🙂


Za ekipu Živi Atelje DK, Cyrille Cartier

fb: ziviateljedk


Join us in this project initiated by Živi Atelje DK (Living Atelier DK), where the past mingles with the future and transforms our present.

Our name, Living Atelier DK, tells it all “Living,” ever adapting; “Atelier,” ever experimenting; and the initials “DK,” from the artist Vera Dajht-Kralj, the spirit that continues to inspire.

After Vera left us in 2014, we started the art cooperative to honor her legacy and build on what she had developed in nearly 60 years of work in her art studio.

The art studio, her atelier, was always an open and welcoming place of creativity where artists, architects, craftsmen and women, writers, journalists and people from all walks of life and meridians of the globe came for a coffee or a “rakia” drink and conversation. Ideas were exchanged, and joint projects were imagined and developed.

For this first step, to realize the exhibition, restore some of the art pieces included in the exhibition and prepare a 300-page bilingual (Croatian-English) comprehensive monograph, we need a total of 21,389  US dollars (136,080 kn). From the City of Zagreb, we secured 4 ,715 US dollars (30,000 kn) and another 1,572 US dollars (10,000 kn) from the Croatian Ministry of Culture. The remaining 15,102 US dollars (96,080.80 kn) we are looking to collect from sponsors and donors

This project – the first exhibition from the heritage collection and a book, specifically an art monograph –  is one more tangible step in the preservation and promotion of her artistic heritage and spirit.

Through your support, you join hands with a diverse group of people already working on the digitalization, cataloguing and preservation of Vera’s collection. So far, thanks almost exclusively to voluntary efforts and individual funds, members of the cooperative managed to catalogue over 2,000 units from this valuable collection and establish an on-line public repository so that others can enjoy and benefit from Vera’s art.

Vera Dajht Kralj (1928 – 2014) is one of the most important sculptresses of the second half of the 20th century in Croatia and the region. In 2015, her art was officially declared as part of the protected cultural heritage of Croatia.

Our work is not just a re-evaluation of Croatian and regional cultural heritage in the global context but also a re-evaluation of women in art, especially sculpture, one of the art disciplines where male sculptors dominated the scene for so long.

On the 3rd of October 2018, we will open the first major exhibition from her collection since her passing, entitled “Beyond Visible – Sculpture, Space and Memory: Public art and commemorative sculpture of Vera Dajht Kralj,” at the Croatian Museum of Architecture of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU).

As part of the exhibition, we will promote the monograph by the same name whose author, Ana Kršinić Lozica, is the curator of the collection and an art historian. She worked on this project with two students of art history and museology, Ana Marija Petričević and Anyla Kabashi, who have integrated their work on the collection to be part of their university thesis and who continue to be an indispensable part of the project.

As an independent non-profit art cooperative, we struggle with funds to make this project come through with the quality it deserves.

Your contribution will enable us to realize this first major goal of an exhibition and monograph. Any donation we collect above the needed amount will solely go toward the protection and restoration of art pieces in danger of degradation. We will also be working on creating virtual exhibitions to expand on the reach of Vera’s art.

We invite you to join us now, in the present, and blend the future with the past. When you share in our efforts, you are supporting more than than just the exhibition and book – you also become part of the vision and allow activities at Living Atelier Dajht Kralj to live on.

What We Need & What You Get

For this first step, to realize the exhibition, restore some of the art pieces included in the exhibition and prepare a 300-page bilingual (Croatian-English) comprehensive monograph, we need a total of 21,389  US dollars (136,080 kn). From the City of Zagreb, we secured 4 ,715 US dollars (30,000 kn) and another 1,572 US dollars (10,000 kn) from the Croatian Ministry of Culture.

The remaining 15,102 US dollars (96,080.80 kn) we are looking to collect from sponsors and donors.

Only now, after three years of continuous engagement, volunteering, enthusiasm and passion, we invite you to join in with your contributions. We are proud that we already have a lot to show from our efforts — the catalogued units from Vera’s collection, a public repository, and numerous other activities that you can see on our web page and our Facebook page.

As an appreciation for your gesture of support, as you will see in the PERKS section, we offer an array of valuable gifts, each with their own tale for you to share with those around you.

* Preorder a monograph at a discount.

* You can come for an exclusive concert by our honorary members and world class musicians Miroslav Tadić and Yvette Holzwarth.

* We are also releasing a limited edition of screen prints, including some signed by Vera herself.

* SPECIAL ** Become the owner of an original piece of Vera’s art by choosing from a selection of her sculptures to cast in bronze. One bronze original is for you and the other for the collection.

— For this last offer please contact us directly, [email protected], so we can discuss which sculpture you would be interested in saving from degradation. —

As Living Atelier Dajht Kralj is a place of diversity, we are sure you will find something that suits you perfectly among the perks on offer 🙂

The Future

The impact of your contribution does not stop with the closing of the exhibition, it will live on through our preservation work and promotion of Vera’s art by finishing the public repository and enabling other students or curators to work on different themes inspired by the collection.

The monograph is just one step in a vision that enables people to engage with one of many aspects of Vera’s unique art. The virtual exhibitions we plan to do will set new standards for such exhibitions, reach a wider and younger public, and disseminate the main message of Vera’s art universal love.

The impact of your contribution does not stop with the closing of the exhibition, it will live on through our preservation work and promotion of Vera’s art by finishing the public repository and enabling other students or curators to work on different themes inspired by the collection

In three years of existence, we gained more than 1,800 regular followers over Facebook (a significant number for our age and for where we operate) and we keep growing. Events in our small gallery space attract an average of 100 people per opening whether hosting exhibitions at Gallery DK for young artists graduating from the art academy across the street or more established and international artists.

Our “No Borders: Integration of Art-Art of Integration” project traveled to five cities in Croatia and our Women to Women project has changed many lives. We also host the “Wandering Art Tea Academy” and hold workshops in glass blowing and Chinese calligraphy.

We are the continuation of what Vera’s atelier has been for 60 years during her lifetime an open and living atelier. So your contribution and your support is more than just the production of art and protection of cultural heritage. With your support you become part of a vision and lifestyle platform of sharing and love.

Other Ways You Can Help

In the spirit of what we represent and talk about here, money is not the only, nor the most important, contribution.

The most important of all is for you to feel part of our initiative. Spread the word of this campaign in your circles. If you are in Zagreb, or if you visit Zagreb at any stage, give us a ring and come by for a chat or tea (maybe even a rakia).

If you are an expert in any field related to art protection, restoration, digital archives, art management or any other field you think relevant to what we do, please contact us. Your expertise and engagement is priceless. We are eager to hear from you and are most grateful for any support 🙂


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